(sorry for the repetition of photos above... I was only trying out different layouts for our cutie clients)
I can't belive I've been out of touch for so long....
Being sick was no walk in the park, but "In everything give thanks" and in this, I do believe that ALL things, good and bad, happen for a reason. Everything in God's own perfect timing. He knew I needed rest and to be still and rely on Him for all things. The only way to do this, was well, to get sick. My Creator knows me better than I know myself and because I am so hard-headed and ignored all other signs of needing rest, this was the only way. Even if this did mean I had to be out of touch, out of sync, and just down-right , OUT altogether. And since recovering from my (unable to speak and comprehend anything) illness, times for us have been B-hee-zee!!
And since there seems to be a trend of thankfullness in this post, HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!
Being thankful and grateful should be a way of life, everyday, not just to be "full" from our Thanksgiving feast (that too... as long as your not counting your calorie intake). Here's a challenge, start up a journal, a blog, or take notes on your daily calendar and jot down an "I'm thankful for __________ today." note or passage to help us all reflect and not be so absorbed in this crazy thing we call "life."
So, to commemorate the beginning of our "Thankful" all-four season, daily holiday, here's what
I'm thankful for today.
I'm thankful for (too many things actually, but I'll narrow it down to a couple of things for today) my hunky hubby,Jorge and our daughter, Aly and the ease of her personality. We finally decided that she needs to sleep in her own bed in her own room. Dreading for this day to come because of all the horror stories we've heard from parents who waited until their babies were no longer babies. Toddlers. Sure the first night we (well, actually I) decided to, it was 1:30 a.m. (yes, you read right, 1:30 a.m.) her first waking up hour to appease herself by snuggling with momma. It was my last straw and then and there, she was moved to her bedroom. Uh hmmm... yeah. This should NOT be done in the middle of the night! I paid for it that night, but surprisingly and with a sigh of relief, the following nights were a breeze. A breeze laced with the alluring and calming scent of lavendar... in case she decided to put up a fight. Ah ha! Sweet smell of victory was ours for the taking!! Baby #2... BRING IT ON!!! Well, we're not preggo or anything. Just being a little too confident in our parenting ski-illz!!
So what are you thankful for?